On behalf of PolishNews24, we invite You to the Job, Collaboration, and Business Ideas Fairs. We will meet in Manchester, United Kingdom, to connect businesses with job seekers and innovative business ideas.
For anyone seeking employment or looking for a business idea, this will be an excellent opportunity to establish direct contact with companies offering collaboration in franchise systems and employers. Participation in the fair is completely free. Please register simply by filling out the form on our website.
For companies seeking employees or new franchisees, this will be the perfect chance to engage with individuals considering a job change or seeking new business ideas. By participating in our event, you’ll have the opportunity to showcase your company and offerings, converse with potential candidates, and present the reasons for working or collaborating with your company. We’ve prepared attractive packages tailored to the individual needs of companies, including participation in the fair, publication of offers on the PolishNews24.com portal, employer branding, social media promotion, and internet exposure. If you’re interested in participating and have additional questions, please complete and submit the registration form below.
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